Here at Buymyjewellery.com, we make the process of selling your unwanted luxury and designer handbags simple. As handbag buyers, our online service is hassle-free and we will pay top prices for your designer bags, watches, gold jewellery and diamonds once we authenticate your items.

We will purchase your luxury handbags and purses.

In order to receive an offer quickly, all you have to do is click the link below to fill in our online enquiry form where you can upload photos of the items you wish to sell. Please include as many details as possible, such as the brand, reference, year, model and condition so we are able to make you an offer. 


Brands we buy and you can sell to us:The designer brands that we consider include Hermès, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Mulberry, Christian Dior, Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana and many more.


1. Fill in our online enquiry form with as many details as you know about your handbag including the condition, the serial number if known and what you have with the handbag such as dustbags etc. Then upload your photos. Any problems with uploading images please contact us on 01254 497847.

2. A member of our valuations team will contact you back providing you with an initial valuation. If you are happy our initial estimate we will let you know how to send your handbag to our valuations department via tracked and insured mail.

3. We will let you know as soon as your item arrives safely at our valuations department, we will then carry out our appraisal and make you our final offer. If you wish to accept the offer we will carry out a bank transfer, which normally takes between 2 -3 working days to clear with most banks. If you do not wish to accept our offer we will return your handbag free of charge again via recorded mail that covers the insurance. 


  • Our process is simple and secure you can sell from the comfort of your own home, we are a trusted handbag buyer in the UK and a fast-growing company.
  • We consider most handbag designer brands.
  • You receive a fast payment (If you choose to accept our final offer payment is via bank transfer and takes just 2 -3 working days to clear with most banks) 
  • We have the right expertise to authenticate and value your handbag – All of our appraisal team have years of experience in dealing with designer handbags, they can accurately assess and authenticate your handbag in house.  
  • We have a wide network of buyers in the UK – we have built up a wide network of buyers in the UK this means we can pay top prices for most designer brands.
  • We buy handbags from clients in England, Scotland and Ireland.                                          
  • Excellent Customer Service-  We do our utmost to ensure all of our customers are happy with our service and with their offer. Don’t just take our word for it have a look at what our most recent happy customers are saying.
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Hsin Chen reviewed Buymyjewellery.com – 5 star

“Great service and the staff is really helpful here. I will definitely use the service again.”Anne Tiney reviewed Buymyjewellery.com – 4 star

“Excellent service, Kristin is really helpful and efficient and follows up to ensure that youare happy with the service. Highly recommended.”

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