If the time ever comes that you need to sell your Birkin bag you can rest assured that you are dealing directly with a professional Hermes buyer who has both a vast knowledge of the brand and a vast knowledge of the secondary market.

Here at we have pay our clients more cash for their Hermes Birkin bags than any other handbag buyer.  We have been buying and selling designer bags for years and we have made the process of selling your Birkin bag simple and secure.  To receive a quote on your Bikin Bag just fill in a few details of your handbag below on our enquiry form and a member of our appraisal team will get back to you with a quote within 48hours.


Every woman who follows fashion wants a Hermès bag. But every woman who truly understands craftsmanship and luxury wants a Hermès Birkin bag. They are the most exclusive purses in the entire Hermès collection, and they are often so difficult to obtain that a client’s name can spend months – or even longer – on a waiting list before they’re allowed to purchase a new Birkin bag. When that day finally arrives, the price tag will be north of £10,000 – often well north of that price, as some models retail for as much as £80,000. Birkins aren’t just the ultimate accessories.

Here at we purchase a large number of Birkin bags every month, and we’ve found that a pre-owned Birkin which has been well cared for will usually resell for anywhere between 70% and 120% of its original retail value. By contrast, you might only receive 10% – 20% when you resell a lesser brand name bag.

We are certain that your used Hermès Birkin bag will be in high demand among our regular clients we have a large network of Buyers in the UK, so we are ready to purchase your bag at the highest price possible more than you would receive from any other online reseller or brick-and-mortar consignment shop – even if it isn’t in the best of conditions.

Because we purchase  a large number of Birkins (and other luxury pieces including jewellery), we have created a streamlined method of providing appraisals and making payments to our clients who sell Hermès Birkin bags to All that’s required to get started is spending a few moments filling out our simple website form.

Your Hermes Birkin Bag is very valuable, so we extreme caution with it during our appraisal process. First, we’ll ask you to tell us as much as you can about the bag on our online form below and and we’ll get back to you with our estimate as soon as possibly we aim to do this within 1 working day.

(Don’t be discouraged if your Birkin isn’t in tip-top condition, we are still interested in purchasing. Our clients are happy to buy bags in need of repair; it costs them a lot less to restore a Birkin purse than to purchase a new one.)

Next If your happy with our quote you can ship your bag to – and we’ll not only pay the shipping charges, but will fully insure the purse for the entire time it’s out of your hands. Our staff will expertly and carefully perform a full examination and get back to you quickly with a firm offer to purchase your bag. If you decline, we’ll ship it right back (fully insured, of course) – but if you accept, you’ll have your payout within two working days.

Our process is simple, and secure and best of all you will receive fast payment, just fill in our online enquiry form below with the details of your Hemes Bag , and upload a few photos please take a photo of the interior as well as the exterior.  Please mention any signs of wear ect in the description.  Once filled in our appraisal team will get to work on your enquiry and get back to you as soon as possible with our quote.Thank you for considering us with selling your Handbag


Recieve a quote on the jewellery you wish to sell today just fill in our enquiry form below with a few details about your jewellery and a member of our appriasal team will get back to you today.